After finally being accepted to run the Boston marathon, 6 weeks from realizing this 10 yr old dream, I, along with 30k others around the globe, found out it was postponed. But then a good thing happened and I began to focus not only on why I began running but why I still love it.  

If you’re struggling to maintain your running routine without races, here are a few tips for staying healthy physically, mentally and spiritually.

1. Even the Gov. Says Running is Essential

First off, a little outside validation doesn’t hurt. Our county just issued a shelter in place order. Fines up to $500 and 6 months in jail are threatened if you do not oblige. However, there are exceptions and, currently, where I live, running is one of them! Look at that glorious legalese confirming what our runner hearts already knew: running is considered an essential activity.

Our events were one of the first things to be shut down and I wondered if that would haunt my next race when the inevitable mental battle began and I’d want to give up the blistering pace. But seeing that running is still considered a worthy endeavor by many local governments during this time is very encouraging. Even if this changes in the coming days, I know the higher-ups agree there are essential reasons to keep running and I’m tucking that away not only my next mid-race mental battle, but also for if we need to take all workouts inside.

2. Running Keeps You Healthy

I for one, eat better, sleep better and get sick less often while training for races. When I only run 2-3 days a week, I stop catching pr’s and start catching the fevers and chills. Even in summer. Studies have shown training can be a boost to your immune system. Get that blood flowing and sweat daily. It could keep you from getting sick.

3. Mental Health

Take care of your mental health and it will take care of you. That is a virtuous cycle we can all get behind. Running releases those happy endorphins and just the act of keeping up your normal running routine will boost good feelings. On lock down, extra good feelings should be mandatory. 

4. Actually, extra good feelings are mandatory.

Philippians 4:4 says “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” And a great way to rejoice in times like these is with my last tip.

5. Running and Prayers

Praying while running is one of my favorite ways to talk to God, calm anxiety and focus on those around you with needs. Sure, you can pray without running but running takes you away from distractions while keeping you alert (awake). Add a lovely trail, sunrise or sunset and it’s an amazing combination of prayer, running and creation.

Take care of yourself so you can take care of those around you. If you’re not allowed outside to run, keep your determination to stay strong with the treadmill and body weight exercises. Once we’re able to race again, we can look forward to cherishing the experience in a whole new way. And we will want to crush it when the time comes. For now focus on what you can do and keep up the prayer and support for those you can help.

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” – 3 John 1:2 NIV  

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