Running, Abuse and Faith

Running, Abuse and Faith

Do you sometimes wonder why some people train so much for “just a race”? I’ve definitely asked myself many times why I’m out at dark-thirty am to do hill repeats or track sessions. But I’ve found that physical challenges not only make us...


Merry Christmas! On Christmas day, we’re giving away this stained glass star I made! If you’d like your name in the drawing, post a Bible verse about a star (or stars) in the comments below. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! UPDATE: Thank you for all your posts! I...


Merry Christmas! This year, I have a game where if you win, I’ll make a photo painting of your family! In our picture below, there are clues for a specific Bible verse. If you figure it out, post it in the comments below. On Christmas Eve, I’ll count the...

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