by Marie | Aug 29, 2017 | Running Inspiration
When I’m out running near sunset and the sky turns into a peaceful pink and purple fire, my first urge is to race back home and show this spectacle to my family. I wonder if all our neighbors are at least looking out their windows. And anyone I pass running,...
by Marie | Jun 28, 2017 | Racing Devotions, Running Inspiration, Running Plans
Have you ever wondered how much time other athletes spend in training? I’d love it if race results included a stat for average hours per week in training for each athlete. Up until this year, I’d spend about 3-6 hours per week training for races from 4...
by Marie | Apr 27, 2017 | Nutrition for Runners, Racing Devotions, Running Inspiration
Years ago, when I decided to start running again, I knew I’d have to kick the nutrition up a notch and I did. With a blender by my side to make smoothies for breakfast and lunch and a meat, potato and veggie type of dinner, things have gone well. I’ll...
by Marie | Mar 26, 2017 | Racing Devotions, Running Inspiration
Have you ever felt like giving up on running? Fatigue, injury, illness or a busy life can wear on you. One time I started a run and my mind said flatly, calmly and definitively: “I don’t want to run anymore. Ever.” When a run starts out rough,...
by Marie | Jan 4, 2017 | Knee Pain, Racing Devotions, Running Inspiration, Running Plans, Uncategorized
When race season winds down between November and January, I’ll usually take a break on training. However, once the holidays are over, I’m eager to get back on a good plan and see what’s possible in the new year. It’s tempting to go out and...
by Marie | Sep 21, 2016 | Knee Pain, Running Inspiration
Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. As a general rule, I try to avoid running at night. I enjoy the sunshine and feeling of security that comes with daylight. But there are times when running in the dark makes more sense. Sometimes...