by Marie | Nov 16, 2015 | Racing Devotions, Running Inspiration
The Good Rule: Just do your personal best. As an older runner, I’ve enjoyed the mantra “do your best” or in other words, “don’t compare yourself to other runners.” My training time may be more limited than others so this goal has...
by Marie | Nov 15, 2015 | Knee Pain, Racing Devotions, Running Inspiration
As a graphic designer and illustrator with a home-based business, I work my own hours and 12 am to 2 am are my favorites. This means that when anyone tries to call or text before 10 am, they usually won’t get a response until much later. You can count on family...
by Marie | Nov 15, 2015 | Racing Devotions, Running Inspiration, Track Workouts
I went to the track to do some speed work and the wind was 21 mph with 34 mph gusts. Most tracks are out in the wide open and if it’s windy, it’s WINDY. This track was no exception. While running into the wind, I felt like I could put all my weight and...
by Marie | Nov 15, 2015 | Racing Devotions, Running Inspiration
Seven years ago, a friend and I entered a local 4 mile race with the goal to simply finish without walking. We had both been running consistently for about 3 months at this point and were excited to finish with a time of 43:27 (10:51 per mile for those calculating)....
by Marie | Nov 14, 2015 | Running Inspiration
A few years ago, I had a “perfect storm” of problems. Nothing tragic but just an overabundance of sad and unfortunate things. It was kind of like an infestation of sugar ants. One or two or even three little ants are not too bad but when you see them swarm...