by Marie | Apr 20, 2018 | Achilles Pain, Racing Devotions, Running Inspiration
Doctor’s Visit for the Achilles “You have Achilles tendinitis. Or it might be tendinosis. That’s where the tendon degenerates because of your age,” said my doctor. I didn’t mind. I had a hunch that in less than six weeks he’d get...
by Marie | Jan 14, 2018 | Nutrition for Runners, Racing Devotions, Running Inspiration
In 2014, I ran my 4th marathon and ended up having to go to the ER for dehydration and nausea. I wrote a little about it in “Helpful Tips When You’re Sick Before Race Day”. In that post, I mention that I didn’t know why I became dehydrated. For...
by Marie | Dec 15, 2017 | Uncategorized
Merry Christmas! This year, I have a game where if you win, I’ll make a photo painting of your family! In our picture below, there are clues for a specific Bible verse. If you figure it out, post it in the comments below. On Christmas Eve, I’ll count the...
by Marie | Nov 20, 2017 | Running Inspiration, Running Safety
“THE PRICE OF ANYTHING IS THE AMOUNT OF LIFE YOU EXCHANGE FOR IT” — HENRY DAVID THOREAU Thoreau’s quote says our life, or time, is the ultimate thing we have to spend. However it doesn’t mention variables that can extend or shorten the life we have. If you...
by Marie | Nov 7, 2017 | Knee Pain, Running Inspiration
Swimming and Running I enjoy triathlons but I have to admit that swimming is my weakest sport. As more of a runner, my legs are heavy and my arms are about as useful as those on the poor old t-rex. There’s even a lady at our pool who says she knows it’s me...