Negative Temps

It’s January in the Midwest, and the temperatures have plunged into the single or negative digits. Running in this kind of cold isn’t just uncomfortable—it’s brutal. My face protests the entire time: my eyes water, my lips go numb, and I start to worry about frostbite on my nose. I’ll never forget the misery of running an entire marathon with a wind chill in the single digits. That experience taught me a valuable lesson: when the cold comes, I need better gear.

Goggles are for Runners Too!

One day, I had a realization—if I wore ski goggles while running, like I do when skiing, my face would stay much warmer. So I tried it. And let me tell you, it changed everything! My eyes stayed warm, my face felt protected, and I wondered why I hadn’t been doing this all along. The answer? Because I didn’t see anyone else on my streets doing it. But once I shared my discovery with a friend, she started wearing ski goggles too. Now, we both run more comfortably in the cold.

The Christian Faith

This simple change carries a powerful spiritual lesson. Sometimes, living out our Christian faith feels like running into an icy headwind. The world around us may not see the value in following Jesus, and we might feel alone in our convictions. But just like those ski goggles provided protection and clarity, fixing our eyes on Jesus shields us from the distractions and discouragements that come our way.

Sharing is Vital

Even more, our faith isn’t just for us—it’s meant to be shared. When I told my friend about the ski goggles, she tried them too and experienced the same benefit. In the same way, when we boldly live out our faith, others may take notice and be inspired to seek the warmth and protection that only Christ can provide.

So, as you face the bitter winds of life, don’t be afraid to stand out. Protect your vision—guard your heart and eyes against sin. And most importantly, keep running the race, fixing your gaze on the One who leads us to eternal victory.


  • Are there areas in your life where you’re hesitant to stand out as a Christian?
  • How can you encourage someone else to grow in their faith this week?
  • What “spiritual ski goggles” do you need to put on to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?

Lord, when the winds of this world try to chill my faith, help me to stand firm. Keep my eyes fixed on You, and give me the courage to share Your truth with others. Thank You for being my shield, my warmth, and my strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Happy Running!

Ski goggle photo credit: Karsten Winegeart

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