As I rushed down the stairs, I felt my knee tighten and had to limp down the rest of the steps. My kids and I were on our way to meet a friend at the track for speed work, so I grabbed my foam roller and headed out the door. At the track, I rolled my leg before and after the warm up and took it easy on the first sprint. The knee did fine and eventually loosened up so much I’d have forgotten all about it if my son wasn’t kicking the foam roller around like a football.

For me, it’s fairly common for my outer knee to begin hurting but I’m usually able to roll it out and run right after.  When I roll out my hip, IT band, and quads, it helps my knee. At first, it seemed strange to work on almost everything except for my knee but once I learned a little about muscles, it made more sense. Apparently our muscles can get spots that tighten and when they do, it can pull on the tendons that connect the muscles to our bones. Basically when a muscle gets too many knots or too tight, it can cause the connective tissue to rub wrong on bone and cause pain. Massage can loosen the tight spots and allow tendons and joints to move freely.

All this connective tissue made me think of the verse in Romans that says believers in Christ are all connected as well. Romans 12:5 (ISV) “In the same way, even though we are many people, we are one body in the Messiah and individual parts connected to each other.” God has given us a great opportunity to work together but He warns in an earlier verse about how we should not become proud. Romans 12:3 “…I ask every one of you not to think of yourself more highly than you should think…” Pride is like becoming so tightly wrapped up in yourself that you not only harm yourself but also those around you. Like a tight spot in a muscle, strain is put on the connections which can cause a body to limp. Or give it a twitching eye.

On the flip-side, it’s pretty exciting to think that by working out your “tight spots”, or pride, you can help lives in ways you never expected (and may never know). A great way to curb pride is to avoid comparing yourself to others and be content when others are able to do what you wish you could do. Simply rest in knowing that you belong. Make the most with the gifts and opportunities you are given and leave everything else for God.

Happy Running!


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