I went to the track to do some speed work and the wind was 21 mph with 34 mph gusts. Most tracks are out in the wide open and if it’s windy, it’s WINDY. This track was no exception. While running into the wind, I felt like I could put all my weight and strength into moving forward and no matter how far I leaned into the wind, I could not go very fast. However, once I turned the corner and the wind was at my back, I felt like I was being pushed along. Round and round I went marveling at the varying pressure of this invisible force. I’ve always loved the analogy to God and how, like wind, you can’t see God but you do see His effects. A life filled with purpose and determination. A kind word. An unexpected and perfect blessing. Beauty in common things. The fact that we’re alive and able to run.
You definitely see the effects of wind on your track times. Running into the wind is exhausting. As I tried to settle for counting the effort instead of the stop watch time, I began to wish for a track that went one direction down a hill with the wind at your back (and 50 degrees with no humidity, please). Running into the wind was not only very loud but it wore me down fast while blasting fluid from every pore, eye, and nostril. However, once I turned to run with the wind, all became quiet and peaceful. Facial fluids were under control and my eyes were not being blown shut. Peace, control, vision–and don’t forget the added speed as you are pushed along! Running against the wind, like working against God, is chaotic. We were not made to fight against God. He created us to live in the flow of His peace, control, vision and strength. Like running with the wind, there is relief when we run with God. He says His “burden is light” which means there is still a burden (like running with the wind, there is still effort) but it is best and He will give us rest.
Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
5 Tips to get you out the door on windy days:
#1 Count the effort instead of the mile splits. This works nice if you train with a heart rate monitor but it works without one too.
#2 Remember that windy days are a little like pop quizzes in that they build mental stamina.
#3 The resistance will pay off well especially if race day shows up with the wind. You will be ready.
#4 If you are not injured, be thankful you can get out there even if it is windy. A super-windy run, hands down, beats not being able to run.
#5 If you’ve had enough wind, plan an out and back route with the wind at your side. Though, I have had the wind change direction during one of my well planned runs. When that happened, I started working on tips #1-4.
Check out Nike’s track which has some gorgeous shelter from the open breeze!